PATA Finland Chapter Bylaws

PATA Finland Chapter
Association Bylaws
Approved in the Annual Meeting 13.12.2005

1§ Name and location

The Association´s name is Pacific Asia Travel Association – Finland Chapter and it is located in Helsinki.

2§ Bylaws

Association bylaws are written in Finnish and in English. The Finnish version is the official one.

These bylaws have been approved in the Association´s annual meeting 2005.

3§ Objective and activities

  • The Association´s objective is to maintain and increase its members' knowledge and skills in travel to and within Asia, Pacific and Americas.
  • To meet its objective the Association arranges training, marketing actions and information events about actual topics
  • The Association consults and promotes Educational Tours to PATA countries
  • The Association supports international service providers in their promotional activities to the Finnish travel trade.
  • The Association may grant scholarships.
  • The Association may collect funds from sponsors for joint events


4§ Members

Membership types:

  • Corporate members; Travel agencies, Tour operators and airlines operating in Finland.
  • Trade members; Press, media and marketing companies, Travel trade schools, tourism and promotional organizations from PATA area and other Trade companies who share the Associations´s objectives.
  • Individual members; All corporate and trade members' employees may enrol as members.
  • Support members; Previously employed by corporate or trade members may apply supporting membership.
  • Honorary members; PATA may invite members who have distinguished in Travel trade to be honorary members for free of charge.

The Executive Committee can restrict Trade, Support and Honorary members participation to events.

Members must have a valid email address as all correspondence to members will be by e-mail.

Executive Committee can expel a member if he/she:

  • violates good manners or the law
  • hinders intentionally the Association´s work with his/hers action
  • causes damage to the Association with his/hers actions
  • does not fulfill membership duties

Association members are approved and expelled by Executive Committee

A Member is entitled to cancel his/hers membership in writing to Executive Committee, the Association´s chairman or its treasurer or informing the Associations´s General Meeting.

Membership fees are established at the annual meeting.

5§ Executive Committee

The Association´s administration rests with an Executive Committee, which consists of 5-12 members who are to present member groups evenly and which is elected in the annual meeting. Executive Committee members are elected for two terms, but can be also be elected for one term.

The Executive Committee term is the time between two annual meetings. The Executive Committee elects among itself a Chairman, a vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

The Executive Committee meets by chairman's or dvice chairman´s invitation, when they see it necessary or when two Executive Committee members request for a meeting in writing.

Executive Committee members constitute a quorum when half of the Executive Committee and either the  chairman or the vice chairman is present. Decisions are made by simple majority. In case of equality of votes chairman's vote decides, except in election matters which are decided by a draw.

If an Executive Committee member resigns during term, the Executive Committee can elect a temporary member to replace him/her for the rest of the term.

6§ Advisory Council

An Advisory Council  which acts as an Executive Committee assistant is elected in the annual meeting for two terms. Its objective is to bring forward members´opinions and wishes to the Executive Committee. The Advisory Council consists of 6 to 12 members, who represent the trade evenly. An Executive Committee member shall be present at the Council´s meetings.


7§ Association signatory

The chairman or the vice chairman together with the secretary or the treasurer.

Executive Committee can authorize a trusted person to sign on behalf of the Association for a certain period of time or for a certain matter.

8§ Accounts

Accounting period is the calendar year.

The Association´s  accounts and expenditure shall be presented in the annual meeting.

9§ Association meeting notifications

The Association´s meetings are invited by the Executive Committee. Invitation to each member must be sent seven (7) days before meeting.


10§ Association meetings

The Association's annual meeting is held in November – December on a day chosen by the Executive Committee.

Extraordinary meeting is held, when so decided in an Association´s  meeting or when the Executive Committee invites such a meeting or when 1/10 of members with voting right so demands in writing from the Executive Committee.

In the Association´s  meeting every member has voting right and one (1) vote. Voting is done as ballot, if demanded by a member.
Decision will be the one opinion, which has received over half of the given votes. In case of equality, decision is made by a draw. Otherwise chairman's vote decides.


11§ Annual meeting

  • In the annual meeting following will be handled:
  • Opening of the annual meeting
  • Meeting chairman, secretary, scrutinizers of the minutes and if needed the vote officials are elected
  • Noting of the meeting validity and authority
  • Meeting agenda is approved
  • Association´s accounts and money expenditure will be presented
  • Annual report is presented
  • Membership fee and other possible fees are established
  • Executive Committee members are elected
  • Other matters

In case a member wants to have a matter on the agenda of the annual meeting, (s)he must inform the Executive Committee latest three (3) weeks in advance in writing, so it can be included in the invitation to the annual meeting.


12§ Association bylaws and dissolution of association

Decision to change these bylaws and to dissolve the association must be done with minimum of three of fourths (3/4) majority of the votes given in the meeting.

In the meeting invitation the change of bylaws or dissolution must be stated.

In case of dissolution of the association, its funds will be used according to the Associations´s objectives as decided by the dissolution meeting.

In case of discontinuation of the association the funds will be used in the same matter.